Armidale & District Amateur Radio Club
ABN 66 142 315 938
146.725Mhz Echo Link Node 872907
438.650Mhz (-7Mhz)



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Brian Goes Bush

Last Sausage Roll Saturday (3/1/15) a few members brought in some of their gear for testing. Iain brought in his VHF vertical and Richard busily set about dissecting it to ascertain its construction and promptly put it on an analyser.

Meanwhile Hon Sec Brian VK2BLP is planning a trip to the wilds of remote Australia this year and wanted to set up his portable HF gear to test it out and see how long it would take to get it set up.

L-R Iain, Richard VK2EIK and The Big W, Wayne VK2KWM

"I wonder if the wilds of remote Australia will have a freshly mowed strip of green grass for me to set up every evening???"

The Alinco HF Radio, the LDG Tooner and a Battery... what more could you ask for?

Brian VK2BLP all ready to go and we were listening to JA and ZL on 15m in a matter of minutes. Big Tick.